In the complex world of labor unions, union release time is a concept designed to allow union representatives to focus exclusively on union activities without the distraction of their regular job responsibilities. However, within TWU Local 100, this practice has taken on a more controversial and manipulative role under the leadership of President Richard Davis.

What is Union Release Time?

Union release time involves taking selected union members off their regular Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) jobs and assigning them to union-specific roles. These roles come with several significant perks:

  • Flexible Schedules: Unlike regular MTA employees, those on release time don’t have to worry about strict schedules.
  • Leniency on Attendance: They face less pressure related to showing up late or managing daily attendance.
  • Preferential Vacation Picks: They get easier and often preferential choices when it comes to picking vacations.
  • Relaxed Day-Off Policies: They enjoy more lenient policies for taking days off, removing a common stressor for regular MTA workers.
  • Increased Pay: Some union reps even receive higher pay in these release time positions compared to their regular MTA titles.

The Hidden Cost of Release Time

While union release time might seem beneficial on the surface, it has a darker implication within TWU Local 100. It has become a tool for buying the silence of opposition within the union ranks. Here’s how it works:

  1. Rewarding Loyalty: Those who are vocal supporters or are seen as loyal to the current leadership are often granted release time positions. This ensures their continued support and silence on contentious issues.
  2. Stifling Dissent: Potential dissenters or those who might challenge the leadership are either left out of these cushy positions or strategically given them to neutralize their opposition. The perks of release time make these individuals less likely to speak out against leadership decisions that might not align with the best interests of the broader membership.
  3. Creating Dependency: By making union reps dependent on these favorable positions, the leadership creates a culture of dependency. The fear of losing these benefits discourages opposition and critical voices within the union, leading to a more complacent and controlled environment.

The Impact on TWU Local 100 Members

The use of release time in this manner raises serious concerns about the integrity and transparency of union leadership. When union reps are incentivized to remain silent or compliant, the collective voice of the union becomes compromised. Instead of representing the true needs and concerns of all members, the union may prioritize the interests of a select few.

The Need for Transparency and Accountability

To ensure that TWU Local 100 truly represents its members, there must be greater transparency and accountability in the use of release time. Union leadership should be:

  • Transparent: Open about the criteria and process for selecting individuals for release time positions.
  • Accountable: Held accountable for ensuring that release time is used to genuinely support union activities and not to suppress dissent.
  • Democratic: Encouraging a democratic environment where all members feel free to voice their opinions and concerns without fear of losing benefits.


Union release time has the potential to be a valuable tool for strengthening union activities and representation. However, when misused, it can undermine the very principles of fairness and democracy that unions are meant to uphold. It’s crucial for members of TWU Local 100 to be aware of how release time is being utilized and to advocate for practices that ensure all voices are heard and represented.

By fostering a culture of transparency and accountability, TWU Local 100 can better serve the interests of all its members, ensuring that the union remains a powerful and effective advocate for workers’ rights. Let’s work together to ensure our union operates with integrity and truly represents the voices of all its members.

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